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Abigail King

Bravery and a bruised ego on the Austrian mountains

I always considered myself outdoorsy until I met the Austrians

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How Edinburgh’s music beats the January gloom

Despite the grey skies and dreariness of winter, Scotland’s capital retains its allure in the colder months

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Can the SNP stay relevant?

IndyRef 2 feels a long way off. The SNP need to show that they have something to offer for Scotland’s short-term future

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Donald Trump, the most hated Scotsman in the world

Trump views Scotland as just one big golfing playground

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Scotland’s drinking problem

Pressure is on John Swinney’s government as price rises are doing little to stop teenage drinking habits

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Can Scotland save the Commonwealth Games?

Hosting the Games is expensive and complicated, but if it can keep Scottish sports on the world stage then it’s worth it

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How to build Scotland’s new government

With so many plates spinning, John Swinney must now hope they don’t all come crashing down

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The SNP have been consigned to irrelevance

The party is now the minnow of British politics

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Who is John Swinney?

Unlike Nicola Sturgeon or Alex Salmond, the new SNP leader doesn’t just lack a personality cult, but a personality to form a cult around in the first place

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Is Sunak scared of the student vote?

In calling a summer election, the prime minister reduced the power of the younger vote in Britain’s university cities

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Keeping connected by streaming

For Gen Z, online international streaming services have made foreign language media mainstream

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How to collapse a government

Humza Yousaf tried to steamroll the SNP’s coalition partner. It cost him his career

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Starmer faces a youth revolt over Gaza

The Labour leader’s stance on the conflict has left him out of step with a large number of younger voters

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A Swiss lesson about neighbours

Cast adrift from the rest of Europe in self-imposed isolation, the UK is behaving like a spoilt child

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Scotland’s slow road to independence

Gen Z’s belief that Scotland is heading for IndyRef2 is starting to falter

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Students have turned their backs on Europe

Minefields of form-filling and red tape are deterring students from European exchanges

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Welcome to Guernsey’s Island Games

Despite feeling both proudly European and international, the island has a close yet complicated relationship with the continent

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The party is over in Ibiza

After 20 years of non-stop partying, Brexit and the pandemic have forced Ibiza to turn in for an early night

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Are students as radical as we think?

A night at Edinburgh University offers a glimpse of Gen Z’s political future

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