British Politics
British Politics
British Politics
Why in 2020 I’ll continue to resist Brexit
British Politics
Remainers must march again
British Politics
MANDRAKE: Dacre dread at Daily Mail
British Politics
Ann Widdecombe, Nigel Farage and Mark Francois: The Brexiteers of the Year
British Politics
Boris Johnson wants to ‘reunite the country’ – here’s my plan for doing it
British Politics
Only democratic change will help us rejoin the EU
British Politics
Labour’s failure was not to explain the consequences of Brexit
British Politics
My appeal to Remainers fighting Brexit – don’t give in
British Politics
MANDRAKE: Why did Theresa May’s adviser drop out of TV election coverage?
British Politics
The campaign must now start to rejoin the EU
British Politics
It’s time to work together for proportional representation
British Politics
Let’s look at the upsides of the election
British Politics
Why my party missed its big moment
British Politics
I’m still waiting for a real leader to take charge
British Politics
A warning to voters in the 2019 general election
British Politics
This election is not Remain’s last chance… we don’t give up
British Politics
MANDRAKE: Jeremy Corbyn risks handing Dominic Raab an early Christmas gift
British Politics
MITCH BENN: There is still time to sink this fool
British Politics
MANDRAKE: Show us your tax return, Johnson
British Politics
We must do everything we can to stop politics ruining Christmas
British Politics
The problem with the Lib Dems and Labour election campaigns
British Politics
Boris Johnson’s nurses pledge shows £350 million for NHS won’t exist
British Politics
MANDRAKE: Theresa May’s keeps her funding secrets
British Politics
My challenge to Boris Johnson for this election
British Politics
Don’t panic: What The Hitchhiker’s Guide… teaches us about the election
British Politics
A tactical vote is the only option for Remain
British Politics
MITCH BENN: Like Trump, Johnson is made for the age of conspiracies
British Politics
MANDRAKE: Gavin Barwell happy to be Newsnight punchbag
British Politics
Keep calm and vote tactically to stop Brexit
British Politics
MANDRAKE: Hugh Grant doesn’t need lessons on civility from Sarah Vine
British Politics