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British Politics

Prime Minister Boris Johnson meets shoppers and shopkeepers during a visit to his constituency in Uxbridge - Credit: PA

British Politics

Boris Johnson warned he could ‘pay the price’ for ‘bull-in-a-china-shop’ leadership style

Boris Johnson could “pay the price” for his “bull-in-a-china-shop” leadership style, a former Treasury adviser has claimed, as the prime minister faces a Tory rebellion in the House of Commons. Mujtaba Rahman, now managing director of Eurasia Group’s Europe, said the PM’s contempt for parliament are starting to backfire, citing the rebellion on coronavirus and Brexit internal market […]
Gillian Keegan during one of her broadcast interviews - Credit: Sky News

British Politics

Tory minister admits she’s ‘clueless’ about new coronavirus restrictions during ‘car crash’ interview

A Tory minister has admitted she does not know what lockdown restrictions were being applied in North East England during an interview on national radio. Apprenticeships minister Gillian Keegan said she was unaware of what restrictions were in place across the North East because she was not a local MP. Appearing on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, Keegan was […]