British Politics
British Politics
British Politics
We must keep resisting to stop Britain becoming Donald Trump’s America
British Politics
My visit to Parliament Square on Brexit day shows there’s work still to be done
British Politics
MANDRAKE: Dominic Cummings banned from using ‘B-Day’ to mark Brexit
British Politics
No I won’t accept the Brexit 50p coins
British Politics
Remainers must now expose every broken promise over Brexit
British Politics
Remainers voting for early election was the saddest day of my career, says John Bercow
British Politics
MANDRAKE: Tory election strategist Lynton Crosby backs another loser
British Politics
My message to the UK ahead of the big Brexit moment at 11pm
British Politics
What TV producers can all learn from this commentator’s take on Meghan Markle
British Politics
MANDRAKE: How the John Bercow peerage row provides a useful distraction for the government
British Politics
Why Sajid Javid is the chancer of the exchequer
British Politics
Brexiteers’ focus on London for January 31st celebrations shows their promises ring hollow
British Politics
Remainers should try blasting out Ode To Joy more often
British Politics
Are citizens’ assemblies an effective way to tackle Brexit?
British Politics
MANDRAKE: Tory donors flee to Cyprus to retain links to the EU
British Politics
In praise of our international health service
British Politics
The worse things get the sooner we will rejoin the EU
British Politics
MITCH BENN: Labour has one last chance to wake up from Corbyntology
British Politics
MANDRAKE: Boris Johnson creates new film factory to help with Brexit propaganda efforts
British Politics
Remainers should march again – but not until after January 31st
British Politics
Remain’s focus should now turn to an even bigger issue – climate change
British Politics
It will take electoral reform for our voices to be heard in parliament
British Politics
The Liberal Democrats are needed now more than ever
British Politics
Chris Grayling was robbed of a New Year’s honour
British Politics
Why in 2020 I’ll continue to resist Brexit
British Politics
Remainers must march again
British Politics
MANDRAKE: Dacre dread at Daily Mail
British Politics
Ann Widdecombe, Nigel Farage and Mark Francois: The Brexiteers of the Year
British Politics
Boris Johnson wants to ‘reunite the country’ – here’s my plan for doing it
British Politics
Only democratic change will help us rejoin the EU
British Politics