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British Politics

Suella Braverman - Credit: Parliament TV

British Politics

Attorney general accuses Labour of being ‘unpatriotic’ for opposition to breach of international law

Attorney general Suella Braverman has branded Labour “unpatriotic” for opposing the Internal Market Bill which will break international law. Braverman said Labour’s stance on the bill, which the government admitted broke the law in “a very limited and specific way” was “anything but patriotic”. Labour’s stance on the bill matches that of all living former […]
Lucy Allen MP claimed the coronavirus was not a 'collective health risk' to the UK

British Politics

Brexiteer MP blasted after suggesting coronavirus was not a risk to country’s ‘collective health’

A Brexiteer MP has come under heavy fire for suggesting the UK’s “collective health” was not at risk from coronavirus. Tory backbencher Lucy Allen tried to downplay Boris Johnson’s own warnings about the fatal impacts of Covid-19. Tweeting the prime minister’s words from Tuesday night’s televised address, the i’s policy editor, Jane Merrick, wrote: “Boris Johnson: ‘Never […]