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British Politics

Prof Devi Sridhar on BBC Question Time in September 2020. - Credit: Archant

British Politics

Health expert says anti-lockdown campaigners are worsening Covid restrictions they oppose

A prominent public health expert has said that anti-lockdown campaigners are responsible for worsening the very restrictions they oppose. Professor Devi Sridhar, chair of Global Public Health at the University of Edinburgh told the Stormont politicians: “The people who are most anti-lockdown have been frustrating to listen to because those are the people pushing us into lockdown… “The […]
Immigration minister Chris Philp - Credit: Twitter

British Politics

Immigration minister refuses to rule out use of ‘giant wave machine’ to deter Channel crossings

Chris Philp has refused to rule out the Home Office using a “giant wave machine” to deter migrant crossings in the English Channel. Philp told the Commons home affairs committee that ministers had not counted out sending asylum seekers to Ascension Island or to disused oil platforms as their claims were processed. Philp came under pressure to deny reports that the […]
Education secretary Gavin Williamson on LBC radio - Credit: Twitter

British Politics

Gavin Williamson roundly mocked following comment about UK being ‘much better country’ than others

Gavin Williamson has become the centre of an ongoing joke after he claimed Britain swiftly approved a Covid-19 vaccine because it was a “much better country” than others. The education secretary told LBC radio that Britain had “much better” medical regulators than France, Belgium, and the US, who helped rapidly approve a coronavirus vaccine. Commenting UK regulators approving […]
Conservative MP Nadine Dorries in the House of Commons - Credit: PA Archive/PA Images

British Politics

Twitter users report Nadine Dorries following controversial tweet about the Pfizer vaccine and Brexit

Nadine Dorries has been reported to Twitter’s complaints department after users protested about a message she wrote suggesting Britain fast-tracked the Pfizer vaccine thanks to Brexit. Several Twitter users have reported the Brexiteer minister after she said Britain would “still be waiting” for the approval of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine had it not left the EU earlier this […]
Tory MP Desmond Swayne in the House of Commons - Credit: Twitter

British Politics

Brexiteer mocked after dreaming up term to describe Britain’s Covid vaccination programme

Desmond Swayne has been mocked after coining his own term to describe Britain’s Covid-19 vaccination programme. The Brexiteer backbencher caused a ruckus in the House of Commons when he suggested the barring of people who were not immunised from public spaces was a form of discrimination he termed “vaccinationism”. Prominent Brexiteers like Swayne and fellow Tory backbencher Steve […]
Michael Gove has been accused of going 'full Trump' after he challenged Good Morning Britain ratings - Credit: Twitter

British Politics

Michael Gove accused of going ‘full Trump’ after attacking Good Morning Britain’s ratings

Michael Gove has been accused of going “full Trump” after he attacked Good Morning Britain‘s rating figures. Gove attacked the show after he was accused of telling a “blatant lie” about Boris Johnson’s polling numbers. Responding to Piers Morgan’s question about becoming prime minister, Gove responded: “I don’t want to be prime minister, Piers. “Firstly, I think […]