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British Politics

Boris Johnson during a visit to Wetherspoons Metropolitan Bar in London with Tim Martin, Chairman of JD Wetherspoon - Credit: PA

British Politics

Wetherspoon boss says vaccine passports would be ‘the last straw’ for pubs

Wetherspoon boss Tim Martin has said vaccine passports would be “the last straw” for struggling pubs and force bar staff into a “bitter civil liberties war” with customers. Conservative backbenchers, publicans and some scientists have raised concerns over the possible introduction of coronavirus health certificates as England’s lockdown is eased. Ministers are studying their potential […]
Prime minister Boris Johnson during a media briefing in Downing Street, London, on coronavirus (Covid-19) - Credit: PA

British Politics

MPs call for investigation into Boris Johnson’s alleged ‘breach of ministerial code’ over Covid contracts

MPs have called for an investigation into whether Boris Johnson broke the ministerial code in remarks he made about the procurement of Covid contracts. Labour’s Debbie Abrahams, Greens MP Caroline Lucas and Lib Dem foreign affairs spokesperson Layla Moran have written to the cabinet secretary Simon Case demanding an investigation into the prime minister’s comments. Johnson falsely […]
Pro-Brexit supporters gather in George Square, Glasgow, as the UK prepared to leave the European Union on January 31 last year - Credit: PA

British Politics

British weather and ‘grow-your-own food’ to be celebrated at £120m Brexit Festival

British weather and “grow-your-own food” will be among the themes celebrated during the Festival of Brexit, organisers have announced. A total 10 teams have been chosen to host events which includes showcasing the largest home-made vegetable patch project in modern times. The carnival remains a contentious issue among the public who say it is ‘politically motivated’ and a waste of £120million […]