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Tory members believe trashing United Kingdom and the economy is a price worth paying for Brexit

Anti-Brexit campaigners wave Union and European Union flags outside the Houses of Parliament. Photo: Jonathan Brady/PA

A poll of Conservative Party members believe trashing the economy, the United Kingdom and their party is a price worth paying for Brexit – but not if it means Jeremy Corbyn gets into power.

The findings were revealed by a new YouGov survey which found that 54% of Tory party members would be willing to see the destruction of their own party if neccessary to deliver Brexit.

A majority of 63% would allow Scotland to leave the United Kingdom if means delivering Brexit, while 59% would be prepared to see Northern Ireland leave the United Kingdom.

Only a third (36%) saw party’s preservation as more important than getting the UK out of the European Union, with 61% prepared to see significant damage to the UK economy to allow Brexit to happen.

The only thing that Conservative party members fear more than Brexit being stopped, and that’s Jeremy Corbyn ending up in Number 10.

Half of Tory members (51%) would rather cancel Brexit than allow the Labour leader in Downing Street, although 39% would be prepared to allow him in if it meant delivering on Brexit.

The Tories also think that delivering Brexit will win them the next election, with 52% of party members believing it will lead to victory, while 44% of members think a no-deal Brexit would secure them a win.

The survey also found that the Tories are split on Nigel Farage – 46% would be happy for him to become their leader with 40% unhappy about the idea.

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