Brexiteers in Spain are “the ones who are moaning the most now” about leaving the EU, a Briton living in the country has said.
A caller by the name Gareth has told the LBC’s James O’Brien that Remainers living in Europe had “adjusted” to the Brexit process better than “the Leavers”.
Gareth, a Remainer with Veterans for Europe, said Britons living in the Mediterranean country were now complaining about the piles of new paperwork that needed filling out, as well as having to apply for a Spanish driving licence.
“They’re saying it’s just Barnier being spiteful because he doesn’t like Brexit. They’re saying all this kind of stuff,” he said about British Brexiteers in Spain.
Gareth also intimated that Boris Johnson’s upcoming trip to Brussels was nothing more than a well-structured piece of choreography.
“He’s got to show that right down the line, he’s always been on their side and done the best for them and all the rest of it because he’s going to have to make concessions.
“Johnson must really appeal to the people who supported his Brexit and say, ‘Look, it really is something they’ve messed up in Europe and we’ve done our best’.”
O’Brien suggested it made sense for Johnson to blame “those pesky froggies” for the negative fall-out from Brexit.
Gareth went on to note: “The people who are the Remainers are now much more adjusted to the Brexit process than the people who were the Leavers.
“This is what they think. If we hadn’t fought against Brexit with all our campaigning… It would have all gone their way, if it hadn’t been because of us resisting Brexit then it would have been straightforward.”
MORE: Brexiteer struggles to name one EU rule he dislikes
Taking to Twitter, one user by the name Whitters, wrote: “Brexit is proving as crappy as we always knew it would be.”
Another user posted: “I always thought Brexit would be crap but it’s waaay worse than even my gloomiest 2016 predictions. But I’m prepared for what’s about to happen and that’s probably the big difference between Remainers and anyone who still thinks Brexit will be the best thing ever.”
Sandy Lobban wrote: “Unfortunately, the sunny European long stay is over. I’d love to see their faces as they board the plane back to a wet and rainy U.K.”