Scottish nationalists are acting like “little Englanders” over Boris Johnson’s leadership, a radio caller has claimed.
Raymond from Falkirk made the claim as he called James O’Brien’s radio show to respond to remarks Johnson made about devolution being a “disaster north of the border”.
The caller feared Scotland falling into a similar trap to Brexit, where the Scots regret their decision in years to come, purely because they do not like the current prime minister.
He explained: “The man is a Stanley Unwin of politics. Do you remember him – the master of gobbledygook. This Boris Johnson, the ruffled hair, he has his shirt hanging out of the arse of his trousers. The man is an absolute idiot. But the little Englanders…
“I’m not SNP. I want to remain in Europe and I want to remain in the United Kingdom. But we have a got a little Englander situation and we’ve got a nationalist thing and there’s nothing in between.
“We have got one Labour MP in Scotland, Ian Murray, he’s very good. But we no longer count, I’m like ‘geronimo'”.
It led presenter O’Brien to explain: “If we do get another referendum and if it goes opposite to the way the last one went, then in ten years time a lot of Scottish people may look back…and think ‘why on the earth did we throw all that away because temporarily Boris Johnson was in Downing Street and the flipping English needed a few years to see what a massive mistake Brexit was’.
“But then it will be too late for the Union and there’ll be no going back for that, will there?'”