The government has said it is prepared to remove three controversial clauses from the UK Internal Market Bill following discussions in the Withdrawal Agreement Joint Committee, providing a Brexit deal is agreed with the EU.
In a statement, the government said: “Discussions continue to progress and final decisions are expected in the coming days.
“If the solutions being considered in those discussions are agreed, the UK Government would be prepared to remove clause 44 of the UK Internal Market Bill, concerning export declarations.
“The UK government would also be prepared to deactivate clauses 45 and 47, concerning state aid, such that they could be used only when consistent with the United Kingdom’s rights and obligations under international law.
“Good progress continues to be made regarding the decision as to which goods are ‘at risk’ of entering the EU market. Talks continue this afternoon.
“In the light of those discussions, the government will keep under review the content of the forthcoming Taxation Bill.”