Remainers have revelled in a ‘told you so’ moment as a clip surfaced showing a miles-long queue of lorries at Dover port.
The 58-seconed video shows a birds-eye views of trucks piled back to back down M20 trying to access the Eurotunnel entrance in Folkstone.
This is the fourth consecutive day of heavy traffic along the M20 as companies rush to stockpile ahead of Christmas and the Brexit deadline and comes as reports confirmed the lorry park in Kent – dubbed the ‘Farage Garage’ – will not be fully ready until after February.
It follows a trial last month of new border check procedures which ended in a five-mile long queue in Kent.
MORE: Transport boss calls government’s handling of Brexit border proceedings a ‘complete shambles’
MORE: Headteacher shuts Kent school for two days out of fear Brexit will cause traffic chaos
Remainers wasted no time admonishing their opponents on Twitter.
European studies lecturer at King’s College London, Alexander Clarkson, tweeted: “Thing happens that UK government first said wouldn’t happen, then said was no big deal if it happened and now will blame businesses and the EU for as it happens.”
Thing happens that UK government first said wouldn't happen, then said was no big deal if it happened and now will blame businesses and the EU for as it happens https://t.co/A3aJoBfdrE
— Alexander Clarkson (@APHClarkson) December 18, 2020
“And it’s not even January yet!” followed up one user.
The BBC’s Faisal Islam tweeted of queues 20 miles long.
“Tailbacks too at Holyhead as record volumes of freight (20% up on last year) being shifted across Irish Sea ahead of post Brexit checks/ procedures,” he said.
20 mile lorry queues reported into Dover already… my colleague @bbcsimonjack and team filmed some of them…
Tailbacks too at Holyhead as record volumes of freight (20% up on last year) being shifted across Irish Sea ahead of post Brexit checks/ procedures… weather & Covid.. pic.twitter.com/b3BsF7LJk0
— Faisal Islam (@faisalislam) December 17, 2020
Lloyd Hardy added: “‘Project Fear’ looks awfully like #BrexitDisaster and its only the 18th December…”
Max Rushden hoped his post would change people’s minds over leaving the EU: “Red lorry yellow lorry red lorry yellow lorry white lorry grey lorry blue lorry black lorry white lorry BREXIT IS SUCH A F***ING DISASTER red lorry white lorry pink lorry yellow lorry green lorry blue lorry white lorry blue lorry orange.”
Red lorry yellow lorry red lorry yellow lorry white lorry grey lorry blue lorry black lorry white lorry BREXIT IS SUCH A F***ING DISASTER red lorry white lorry pink lorry yellow lorry green lorry blue lorry white lorry blue lorry orange
this tweet might change people's minds x https://t.co/vYvYJ2dqVV
— Max Rushden (@maxrushden) December 18, 2020
Mark Jeynes quipped: “It’s almost as if people are desperate for their last chance to trade freely before everything they buy gets taxed twice.”
it’s almost as if people are desperate for their last chance to trade freely before everything they buy gets taxed twice.
— Mark Jeynes (@jeyno) December 18, 2020
@Frances_Traynor pointed out: “Reality bites on the sunlit uplands. Feel for those drivers stuck on the Brexit road to nowhere.”
Brexit, an expensive disaster. https://t.co/OQM8OddbW3
— dennis (@commonsenseden) December 18, 2020
Ben Stephens had a few words for Brexiteers remarking on the clip, writing: “So many comments from Leavers really struggling to maintain their fantasy that Brexit is still a good idea and ‘Project Fear’ isn’t literally coming true before their eyes.”
So many comments from Leavers really struggling to maintain their fantasy that Brexit is still a good idea and 'Project Fear' isn't literally coming true before their eyes. https://t.co/1qHiuPvcqq
— Ben Stephens (@stephens_ben) December 18, 2020
Rusty Shackleford described the scene in Portsmouth: “We have had to add 3 triage areas to manage the chaos. The city is on an island with only 3 roads in and out and one will now become a lorry park. It’s an absolute clusterf***.”
Others claimed traffic was affecting both sides of the Channel. One user wrote: “There are queues in France too. There is this funny two way trade thing going on…with panic logistics on both side and in many cases no backloads with looking Brexit.”