The Tory European Research Group (ERG) of pro-Brexit Conservative MPs has insisted it will examine any trade agreement in detail if a deal is reached on Wednesday night between London and Brussels.
The body said it would reconvene its so-called “star chamber” to examine any deal.
A statement issued by the group on Wednesday said: “Assuming a deal between UK and the EU is officially confirmed tonight, the European Research Group will tomorrow reconvene the panel of legal experts, chaired by Sir William Cash MP, to examine the details of the deal and legal text.
“The team of highly-experienced lawyers, previously known as the ‘star chamber’, was first assembled in 2019 to examine the legal aspects of Theresa May’s original Withdrawal Agreement.
“Given that the new agreement is also highly complex, the star chamber will scrutinise it in detail, to ensure that its provisions genuinely protect the sovereignty of the United Kingdom after we exit the transition period at the end of this year.
“The star chamber, which will include some new members to replace those now in government, will undertake its examination as expeditiously as possible before providing its conclusions on the merits of the deal – which we will aim to make public before parliament reconvenes.”