A Brexiteer has attempted to pin the blame for Boris Johnson failing to secure a good Brexit deal on Remainers.
LBC Radio caller Steve called David Lammy’s show was a Labour supporter but moved to the Brexit Party over its policy for a second referendum.
Asked how he felt about the current situation, he said he “really not” happy about Boris Johnson’s latest announcement on talks.
“It’s complex because of where we are now, we can’t look backwards, because woulda, shoulda, coulda because we didn’t.
“So we are where we are – and where we are now – I think we will have a deal.
“He’s just very successful, he’s brilliant at winning elections, he’s trying to negotiate the best deal for the country. And now he’s doing the old Trumpian walk away, in the hope that there will be a last-minute deal. I still think there will be a last-minute deal.”
But asked if he thought it would be a good deal, he replied: “No”.
“The fact we are now stuffed I think is inevitable because of where we were a year ago and why I joined the Brexit Party because I’m a democrat”.
But turning his attention to presenter Lammy, the caller explained “you fought with every hair on your head (if you’ve got many) – and why did you do it? Because in your absolute heart of hearts it was going to be an economic disaster.”
He continued: “What’s happened, for all reasons we’ve discussed, you and most of the people who were Remainers in parliament were convinced in your hearts it was a disastrous mistake. And you were trying to do your very best to think again. I do think that was the critical mistake, we voted to leave, we should leave.”
An exasperated Lammy responded: “So it’s my fault? It’s been a while since I’ve been in Brussels, you’re not laying this at my door. This is Boris’ deal, this is the deal that Boris and Gove and Farage wanted. Own it! You’ve gotta own it”.
Backtracking Steve insisted he was not trying to blame Lammy. “Well we’re now going to get a deal, I think we’re probably going to get a deal. Put it this way, we are probably going to get a deal that definitely will be – if there is a deal – better than the Theresa May awful Withdrawal Agreement deal.
“if we don’t get a deal we’re out and we will get a deal afterwards. It’s just not what most of us Brexiteers wanted, we want you guys to sort it all out in 2016.”