A rude song about Boris Johnson could bag the Number 1 slot in this year’s Christmas music chart, after peaking one place off in the downloads chart this week.
Boris Johnson Is A F**king C**t was recorded by an Essex-based band with an equally sweary artist name – known as K**t and the Gang.
The 56-second medley repeats the title for the whole song and has been backed by Black Mirror writer Charlie Brooker
Too sweary to be played on Radio 1, it already charted at Number 19 in the Sunday chart.
Radio 1 presenters Vick Hope and Kate Thistleton told listeners at the weekend: “Now at 19, we’ve got a track about Boris Johnson that has so many bad words in it, we can’t play it on daytime Radio 1.”
It is competing for the top spot with social media star LadBaby, Ed Sheeran, Jess Glynne and Mariah Carey.
The official Christmas number one race kicked off on December 18, with sales and streams counting up until midnight on December 24.