Former Number 10 director of communications Alastair Campbell has branded Boris Johnson the c-word over his handling of Brexit and the coronavirus.
In the article, titled “Alastair Campbell: Boris Johnson is a c*** and has condemned us all to a Covid dystopian hell”, The New European‘s editor-at-large rips into the prime minister as well as his government.
Branding Johnson a “blonde-haired, grinning, smirking, clueless clown”, Campbell swears about the prime minister over Brexit uncertainty and the long queues in Dover after the French closed their borders due to Covid-19.
Claiming he is “thinking of lorry drivers” affected this week, he writes for the Mirror: “The current government has a real problem with empathy. It goes to the heart of why they are so useless.
“Because the blonde-haired, grinning, smirking, clueless clown in particular is less motivated by the impact of his policies and decisions on real people, than on himself, what the media say about him, and what his rich friends and donors think about him.”
He added: “Words alone fail to convey the dystopian hell of it all, but at least I knew why I woke up with the clock at 3.54am, and uttered my first expletive of the day by 3.55am.”