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Watch: The moment Piers Morgan (almost) compliments The New European

Nothing pleases us more than seeing our publication being held up in front of Nigel Farage on breakfast television! - Credit: Archant

*Full disclosure* whilst waving a copy of the anti-Brexit newspaper in Nigel Farage’s face

Hold on a second… Did Piers Morgan just COMPLIMENT The New European? Well maybe… Alright, not really… But as far as we’re concerned that’s about as good as we’ll get from him.

The moment came as former UKIP leader Nigel Farage and Editor-at-Large of The New European Alastair Campbell clashed over (you guessed it) Brexit

A sneering Farage insisted: ‘You’re not going to stop it, it’s all over, it’s done.’

Campbell responded: ‘Believe me, Brexit can be stopped.’

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