There is a new political party in Europe, and this is big news because it is the first truly pan-European party, ever.
It is called Volt, and it is set to electrify the political scene in all European countries with its positive message on pan-European cooperation and the strength that will come from a more participative, powerful, recharged European Union. Volt’s policies are non-ideological and evidence based, its aim is to share best practice across nations, and there is nowhere that this message of ambition for better governance needs to be heard more than in the UK.
You won’t hear any arguments from the traditional left-right political spectrum from Volt, just a pragmatic ‘what works best for our common good in our common European space’ principle being applied to at all levels of government. Let’s face it, ‘what works best’ isn’t being applied across Europe right now, and certainly not in the UK where both the Conservative and Labour parties have been taken over by ideological purists who are about to deliver us a disastrous Brexit, thrashing our economy and damaging that of our neighbours in the process. Volt aims to use best practice from all across Europe to find solutions for local issues and will campaign on a single program, the Amsterdam Declaration, in each national chapter. The ground-breaking Amsterdam Declaration was adopted at Volt’s General Assembly held in Amsterdam in October.
Volt stands for a Europe based on a strong political Union, where risks are shared and benefits reach all Europeans, and where every person has a voice. It stands for a Europe with a robust economy that provides opportunities for all, now and for future generations, a Union that is an economic powerhouse. It stands for a Europe that takes care of its people, where children enjoy a cleaner environment, where migration flows are managed together, and where rights are guaranteed and responsibilities shared. Volt stands for a truly progressive European Union.
At European level Volt will run in the 2019 European Parliament elections with the goal of winning at least 25 seats in at least 7 EU member states, and has the ambition to have at least 25 MEPs elected so that it can form its own grouping. EU citizens in the UK will have a key role to play in the upcoming elections and the UK chapter is working with the other European chapters to make sure that their vote counts.
In the UK Volt has a network of over 500 activists based all over England Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The party will present candidates to 5 or 6 councils in the local council elections in England and Wales of May 2019, campaigning on the Amsterdam declaration platform of EU reform and regeneration. It will have a unique, strongly positive, forward looking, pro-EU message. Despite Brexit, the UK chapter of Volt will be a key part of the Volt project, the ambition is to create a strong UK political party, strengthened by being a part of the pan-European organisation.
Volt is a unique political project being pursued across every EU Member State, it draws members from every European country and beyond. It has the potential to become the largest party in Europe and truly change the shape of European politics for the next generations. European democracies need an electric shock, perhaps Volt is the party to apply it.
• Find out more information about the Volt party online at volteuropea.org