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Trade unions warn Boris Johnson not to ‘cosy up’ to Donald Trump in trade talks

Toxic Twins: Boris Johnson and US president Donald Trump at the UN in New York. Picture: Saul Leob/Getty Images - Credit: AFP/Getty Images

Boris Johnson must not ‘cosy up’ to US president Donald Trump in post-Brexit trade talks, trade union bosses have warned.

The government has set out its overall strategy for a trade deal with the United States, vowing not to cut standards or allow any privatisation of the NHS.

Ministers claim a free trade agreement could boost the UK economy by opening up opportunities for British businesses and investors, while facilitating greater choice and lower prices for producers and consumers.

But Frances O’Grady, general secretary of the Trades Union Congress, fears Johnson “cosying up” to the president could lead worsen food standards, public services, and workers’ rights.

She said: “The government should be focused on getting a good trade deal with the EU – not cosying up to Donald Trump.

“A bad trade deal with the US will put working people’s jobs and rights on the line.

“And it will undermine our vital public services, environment and food standards.

“Nobody voted for chlorinated chicken or for US corporations to have more access to our personal data.”

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