Yasmin Alibhai-Brown says there is one thing for which we should thank Trump – we no longer feel in awe of the USA.
It’s all kicking off. And not only in the wretched Tory party. There is a new mood about, crackling static electricity in the air because POTUS is flying over.
Donald Trump is a proven sexist, racist, hater of the poor and dispossessed at home and abroad, a rabid capitalist and isolationist, a brazen white supremacist, a dodgy and ropey businessman, a backward, arrogant, ugly ratbag. Typing that sentence gives me no pleasure. It is but a small act of rebellion against his visit to the UK which will cost us a lot and cause us reputational damage, including among civilized Americans who have seen this man demeaning the presidency, trashing institutions, debasing elections and political protocols and disintegrating bonds between citizens. He has turned the American dream into an American nightmare.
And, what, now, I am supposed to show him respect? Because he got himself elected and the US is ‘our closest ally’? I’d rather eat chicken shit. Respect is earned, not ceded on demand.
Turkey’s Erdogan gets no respect either, nor any of the neo-Fascists now in power in parts of Europe, nor Xi Jinping, the Chinese ruler and others who exploit the popular will and claim legitimacy. None of them protects or promotes human rights, equality and probity. Most use and abuse democracy to grab power, dehumanize and oppress citizens, break laws, keep faithful voters on side and enrich loyal cabals.
At present, Donald Trump is among the most erratic and depraved of the gang.
By welcoming him here as an exceptionally honoured guest, the PM and monarch validate Trump’s monstrous behaviours and policies. There will be demos. Our streets will fill with the fumes of rage. Special (and hugely costly) security measures will be put in place. And, as always, a gaggle of prominent Brits will stick up for America, right or wrong.
They are already up and jumping about. And the vast majority are zealous Brexiters. Seems Brexiters and Trumpers go together like a like a horse and carriage.
London’s mayor Sadiq Khan has given permission for a vast balloon in the shape of Trump as a noisy baby to be released into the skies.
That decision has caused much foaming and frothing among BrexTrumps – all of whom profess to be defenders of freedom of expression.
Media moll Isabel Oakeshott thinks an ugly balloon of Khan should be crowdfunded and set off too. Great idea – let us show POTUS that London is proud to have a brown-skinned Muslim mayor. Rod Liddle, livid as always, damns Khan and anti-Trump liberals. Good Morning Britain presenter Piers Morgan (a good friend of Trump) tried to maul Khan on the show. Tim Montgomerie, who sees himself as a thoughtful, Christian sage of the conservatives, is totally appalled. Tory Brexiter Michael Fabricant (who, once, while watching me argue with Liddle, tweeted he wanted to punch me in the throat) suggests a US Marine should shoot down the balloon. Really? Would that be wise?
But then these guys are not wise. They’re just mad, mad at anyone who refuses to submit to their right-wing rules and views. We must thank Trump for one thing.
After decades of slavish devotion to US presidents, millions of Brits no longer consent to that unequal relationship. We do not feel tied to or in awe of the USA. Pro-Americanness is not a test for British citizenship. We are free at last. Send up the balloons.