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‘Plastic melts in the microwave’ – Tories mocked for ‘oven-ready’ Brexit tweet

The Tories mocked up this illustration of the Tories 'oven-ready' Brexit deal. Photograph: Twitter. - Credit: Archant

The Tories have mocked up a visual form of its ‘oven-ready’ microwaveable mean and Twitter users have reacted with the usual disdain.


“Ding! Our Brexit deal is ready”, tweeted the official Conservative Party account, attaching a visual of a microwaveable meal.

The instructions for the ‘oven-ready’ meal tell people to “stick this in the microwave”.

The “ingredients” include “getting Brexit done in January” as well as the questionable pledge surrounding 50,000 more nurses. “Keeping taxes low”, “reaching net zero by 2050” and controls on immigration also feature.

Twitter reacted in the usual style, mocking the latest stunt, with some speculation it is the latest “shit posting” measure from the Conservatives to try to get social media promoting their messages.

“Plastic melts in the oven”, pointed out one.

“Warning – this product contains lies”, responded another.

Geoff Wilton replied: “Oven ready meals: Never look like they do in the adverts. Never taste as good as you think. Always over packaged. Always over priced. Bit like Brexit.”

MORE: Boris Johnson can’t name a single trade deal ‘oven-ready’ for post-Brexit Britain


“It went out of date on 31/10/2019” said Michael Hollowood.

“May contain nuts” joked Richard Ball.

“‘Oven-ready’ + ‘Stick this in the microwave’. Did you give Matt Hancock the password to the Twitter?”, asked user @DrumFreeman.

“Food that is made for the oven tastes best when cooked in the oven,” pointed out Will Richards. “We all know that anything microwaved tastes far worse; but maybe this mirrors your strategy, policies and track record”.

“Putting something oven ready into the microwave normally gives a result that is cold, soggy, and not as tasty as the packaging had promised”, wrote @trymybest18.

Peter Walker tweeted: “Instructions on the back of the label: you’ll need several years of negotiations and ratification from all EU members states (and regional parliaments) before you can actually eat it.”

Right-wing journalist Tom Harwood, however, wrote: “This is good bants.”

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