Theresa May claims that a ‘second’ referendum on Brexit would be ‘a gross betrayal’ of our democracy. Precisely the opposite is true.
A People’s Vote is needed to make amends for the betrayal of democracy that was the 2016 referendum.
Imagine we had a referendum on Marmite. Do you love it or hate it? That was the type of question that parliament put to the British people in 2016.
This is not just a stupid type of question for a referendum; it is an insult to democracy and to the people of this country.
It is an insult to democracy because it is so vague. It is not tied to a proposal either to ban Marmite or to put the stuff on every piece of the nation’s toast.
It’s simply an expression of opinion. And that is an insult to the people of this country: the presumption that we do not judge facts.The demand for a People’s Vote, by contrast, will be based on facts. It will consider the precise terms for leaving the EU that Mrs May has agreed with the Commission, with the European Parliament and with the Council of Ministers.
We the people will see exactly what we would lose by leaving the EU. We the people will be able to express our will on the facts, not on opinions.
Martin Yuille, Manchester
There should be three questions on the ballot paper in a referendum on the final deal.
1. Do you wish to remain in the customs union? YES/NO
2. Do you wish to stay in the single market? YES/NO
3. Do you want to leave the EU? YES/NO
These questions should have been asked in 2016!
David Hogg
So the EU represents 45% of UK trade and Africa represents 1.45%. Theresa May’s dancing in Africa reminds me of the scene in Titanic where Kate Winslet dances on the tables. We all know how the story ends.
Tony Howarth, London, SW3
I see Boris Johnson is using the Tory newspapers to attack Theresa May. How liberated he must feel now he is freed from the shackles of government, where he spent his time… erm… using the Tory newspapers to attack Theresa May.
Jonathan Hendrick, Manchester
• These opinion pieces were submitted as letters. Send yours for publication in The New European to letters@theneweuropean.co.uk