Claims Theresa May’s chief of staff leaked an explosive letter Boris Johnson sent to the PM highlight the toxic atmosphere in the cabinet.
Perhaps not surprisingly the claims have been denied – but the letter was leaked to the media by someone for some reason.
What is undoubtedly true is that the cabinet remains at war – the ceasefire brokered in December when May managed to get the European Union to agree to talks moving to phase two is over.
Staffers talk of back-biting and briefings happening on a daily basis as both sides jostle for the upperhand on Brexit. Of course this is hardly surprising as May has sought to have an equal representation of Leavers and Remainers in cabinet. What nonsense. She is the prime minister and should be picking the people who are the best for the job. She can’t though because she is a PM clinging on.
The last thing this deeply divided country needs is a deeply divided government.