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Boris Johnson’s father asked if son is a ‘liar’ – before he repeats £350m lie himself

Boris Johnson's father Stanley Johnson appears on ITV's Good Morning Britain. Photograph: GMB/ITV. - Credit: Archant

Stanley Johnson has bluntly been asked about his son’s ability to lie, shortly before he too repeated one of Boris Johnson’s lies.

Appearing on Good Morning Britain to discuss climate change, attention soon turned to his son.

He said: “I think he is getting on absolutely fine, everything is going completely smoothly.”

Johnson had been branded “the father of lies” in the Supreme Court for the reasons he suspended parliament.

Presenter Kate Garraway asked “is your son a liar?”

But defending his son, Stanley Johnson insisted: “It goes with the territory; you’re going to get words thrown at you.

“And my point here is, people throw words far too lightly. They shouldn’t use those words.”

Garraway asked again: “Does your son tell the truth?”

But in a line worthy of Trump, Johnson responded: “We all tell the truth as we see the truth.”

He continued: “I think Boris does that and the truth for example is he is doing his very best to get Brexit done.

“He has I think had quite a lot of interference in this exercise and the whole people here reckon he is doing his very, very best.”

Johnson also addressed the angry parent that approached his son during a visit to an East London hospital.

In arguing how he would have dealt with the angry parent, he repeated the £350 million lie, which even Boris Johnson appears to now downplay.

“He might have said though he didn’t that if you’d got Brexit dealt with you’d have another 350 million a week for the NHS.”

Presenter Ben Shepherd pointed out: “He might have said that, but we know that isn’t necessarily the case, is it?”

The claim that we send £350 million to the EU each week was an argument that could have seen Boris Johnson taken to court, but a judge threw the argument out, as it believed it was not the court’s job to decide political matters.

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