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Brexit Party chairman says he would rather not rely on Chinese ventilators during coronavirus outbreak

Brexit Party chairman Richard Tice said Nigel Farage is "very brave" not to stand in the next general election. Picture: Sky News - Credit: Sky News

Brexit Party chairman Richard Tice has been ridiculed for claiming that he would rather the government did not buy Chinese ventilators to deal with the coronavirus outbreak.

The UK government is said to be one of a number of countries lining up to buy Chinese ventilators as it looks abroad to find life-saving equipment to deal with the coronavirus outbreak.

But Tice took to Twitter to say he would rather the government bought British ventilators than those from overseas – suggesting the Chinese could not be trusted to sell uncontaminated life-saving equipment.

The Brexiteer tweeted: ‘Should we trust the Chinese to sell us uncontaminated ventilators ? Or will they repackage and sell us used ones? I’d rather buy BRITISH ventilators made by our great manufacturers. Thoughts welcome….’

While a few Brexit Party supporters cheered on his comments, Tice was mostly met with disbelief and accusations of xenophobia and racism for his comments.

‘You trusted them to make your iPhone, Richard’, commented one.

‘Your xenophobia knows no bounds’, responded Twitter user @CazzzaSB.

‘And I’d rather never hear from you again. We can’t always get what we want’, posted Nicola Catt.

‘Congratulations! You’ve won the Most Ignorant Tweet of the Day Award for 30th March,’ tweeted Steve Bullock.

‘Thoughts are welcome. Try some you horrible man’, said @MartinRemains.

‘My first thought is that you are a xenophobe and an idiot,’ noted another.

‘My actual thoughts are unprintable Richard,’ wrote Otto English. ‘If people are struggling to breath the place of origin of their life saving equipment is the very last thing on their minds.’

‘I’d rather buy ventilators that work,’ replied Andrew Lilco. ‘Wherever they come from in the world’.

‘Pin a note to your clothes that you only want to be supported by British-made equipment if you’re in hospital. That’ll sort it’, another told the Brexiteer.

Green Party activist Anthony Flynn wrote: ‘Really doubt those struggling to breathe are going to be too concerned about the origins of the machine which could well save their life, you xenophobic pr*ck.’

Nick Reeves was left perplexed too. He said: ‘I thought a trade deal with China was going to be one of the great Brexit trade opportunities.’

Two weeks ago former Brexit Party MEP claimed that coronavirus will be much lie AIDS – ‘not as devastating as feared’.

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