We asked pro-European readers of The New European how they will mark the end of the Brexit transition period at 11pm on Thursday December 31.
“By doing another property search in Scotland” – Nicholas Crosby
“I will hang out my EU flag to annoy my neighbours” – Sandi McDonagh
“I’ll raise a glass to the fantastic pro-EU friends I’ve made over the last 4 years, and to the fight to rejoin which starts the next morning. Certainly won’t be celebrating the New Year!” – lIZ wHITE
“I will be watching a virtual concert from Notre Dam in Paris by Jean M Jarre. Stuff Westminster” – John Reaney
“I’m wearing black” – Jen Jones
“A trip to Lidl to stock up on German beer, Italian wine and Spanish cheese, then go home to watch Eurovision reruns on YouTube” – Howard Simpson
“Drink Spanish cava, eat French cheese and Italian hams with odd German sausage thrown in for good measure! New Year’s Day will be Scottish Aberdeen Angus steak and ale pie…” – Ben McDonald
“Burst into tears at what we have lost!” – Pauline Kelly
“Champagne here in my new Brittany home” – Ken Swain
“As per usual, I hope to be in bed and fast asleep. Nothing will persuade me to stay up and commemorate an event that will leave us enfeebled and impoverished” – Charles Franklyn
“Candlelit vigil outside the British Embassy in Brussels organised by BABBS” – Stephanie Hughes
“I’ll mark it by starting my application for an Irish passport” – Colin Halley
“Eating European cheeses and drinking European wine and generally doing the opposite of what the Brexit fetishists want me to do” – Penny Glover
“Playing ode to joy with tears. In my eyes a very sad start to 2021″ – Barbara Vond
“Keeping my Welsh/EU flag in my window” – Sally Kent
Are you planning something unique on New Year’s Eve to mark the end of the Brexit transition period? Email theneweuropean@archant.co.uk.