Only 11% of the public believe the UK should leave the European Union without a deal, according to a new survey.
But the same poll found that a ‘no deal’ outcome was viewed as the most likely result of ongoing Brexit talks – with 17% saying this was what they expected, compared to 16% who anticipated a comprehensive trade deal, 15% a limited trade deal and 13% continued membership of the single market.
Continued membership of the single market was the most popular option for Britain after Brexit, with 24% backing this outcome, against 17% for Theresa May’s favoured scenario of a comprehensive trade deal, 14% backing a limited trade deal and 11% no deal.
More than half (55%) of those questioned by pollsters Kantar said that the Government was handling the Brexit negotiations poorly, against 21% who said they were doing well.
And 64% said that the UK’s negotiating position was unclear, compared to just 20% who said it was clear.
More respondents (41%) thought the EU would get the best deal out of Brexit talks than thought Britain would do best (23%).
And there was negative sentiment about the likely impact of Brexit, with more people saying it would be damaging to prices, the NHS, schools, job opportunities and the mix of people in their neighbourhood than thought it would improve these issues.
‘While some have suggested the public have had enough of experts, there appears to be agreement between experts and the British public that a ‘no deal’ outcome is ill-advised’, said Kantar Public UK chief executive Grant Fitzner.
‘There is also widespread public dismay about how the Brexit negotiations are going. Almost two-thirds of the British public say they are unclear about the UK Government’s negotiating position, and over half think the Government is handling the negotiations poorly.’
• Kantar questioned 2,437 adults in Britain online between November 14 and 20.