Is this the end? Was that Theresa May’s last prime minister’s questions?
Only time will tell. But it has certainly been a bruising week for May.
And Jeremy Corbyn was in no mood to let her off the hook in the House of Commons.
His opening line of questioning was to ask what her jaunt around Europe had achieved. Her answer offered very little in the way of detail.
And by his third question Corbyn was spitting fire over the cancelled vote – and his fury did not abate.
Photo: PA – Credit: PA Wire/PA Images
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‘Totally and utterly unacceptable to this House … This House agreed a programme motion, this House agreed to the five days of debate, this House agreed when the vote was going to take place. The government tried to unilaterally pull that and deny this House the chance of a vote. The prime minister and her government have already been found to be in contempt of parliament, her behaviour today is just contemptuous of this parliament and of this process.
‘The prime minister’s appalling behaviour needs to be held to account by this House as indeed the people of this country are more and more concerned about the ongoing chaos at the centre of her government.’
A sideways smile couldn’t hide the fact that behind her stoic appearance May was rattled.
Corbyn went on to ask the PM to rule out a no-deal Brexit. She didn’t because she can’t.
And the Labour leader finished strongly. By linking the chaos at the heart of government and the stumbling Brexit plan he brought today’s events in Westminister back in to the living rooms of the nation.
Verdict: May 0 Corbyn 3
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