In the fortnight since opening the European Citizens’ Initiative petition for UK citizens seeking permanent EU citizenship regardless of us leaving or staying in the EU, the UK has passed its target figure of 55,750 signatories.
However the next highest-supporting country is Romania with just under 10% of its threshold target so far. Most other countries are significantly lower.
Is this down to apathy, retribution for the trouble we’ve caused or is it simply ignorance of the actual existence of this petition? If it is just ignorance of the petition, what can be done to make the other EU countries aware of the petition and how can we encourage them to sign up and support the UK’s application?
The problem is that at least seven other EU countries have to meet their individual threshold targets and there needs to be at least a million supporting votes in total for the petition to succeed. It seems there is much to be done to achieve a successful outcome to this petition and only one year to do it in.
Graeme Brown
MORE: Read more about the petition and find out how to sign it here
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