A petition calling for Dominic Cummings’ departure after it emerged he violated lockdown guidelines has gathered almost a million signatures.
Cummings is accused of flouting lockdown rules when he had travelled 270 miles to Durham from London to seek childcare support while he and his wife were ill with coronavirus.
Despite a growing number of Tory MPs and senior public figures demanding he resign, Cummings has been able to retain his post, adding he did not ‘regret’ his actions.
However, many in the public feel the senior advisor should face punishment and as a result, Gary Kelly from Glasgow has launched a petition on Change.org calling for Cummings to go. The petition, which went online on May 25, has already received more 915,000 names.
Cummings’ actions have caused a large public outcry. Raj Gill, who signed the petition wrote: ‘Thousands of grieving families are not allowed to see hospitalised loved ones before they pass – NO ONE is excused for flouting the law. Especially 10 Downing St!’
MORE: BBC presenter calls Dominic Cummings ‘such a dick’ on-air
Edward Yateman said: ‘His cloudy judgment has thrown the spirit of the lockdown rules into disarray.’
Hannah Buck said Cummings’ behaviour had put lives at risk: ‘He broke the rules of lockdown, putting so many people at risk, and has only acted ignorantly and arrogantly since. People are not allowed to visit their dying children in hospitals, and this man is being let off because of who he is and who he knows.’
Paula Leslie said Cummings failed as a public ‘role model’: ‘No-one should be excused for flouting the law. But more – the elected, and other representatives of our country should be role models for good citizenship, and the very regulations they designed.’
David Cole called for MPs to intervene: ‘He’s unelected and thinks he’s untouchable. We need to pressure the elected representatives to remove people like this form the power base of the country. Many families have suffered through this crisis and his actions laugh in their faces.’
You can sign the petition here.