A UKIP politician has been mocked on Twitter for attempting to make light of a story that he claimed argues sandwiches ‘will soon be extinct’ after Brexit.
Peter Whittle, a London assembly member and a former UKIP leadership candidate. tweeted that he had taken a picture of his sandwich lunch ‘for posterity’ because of the BBC report.
The only problem was that it was not his sandwich. It also was not his picture.
Twitter users were quick to pick up on his blatant use of stock imagery, with some replying to point out his obvious faux-pas. Others were quick to respond with their own stock images.
Whittle was incensed to tweet after seeing a BBC Newsnight report that claimed Brexit could cause issues for sandwich lovers.
Jim Winship, from the British Sandwich Association, denied the sandwich would become extinct but said it could create problems.
‘Certainly there would be serious problems in terms of the fresh ingredients we bring in from the European Union and also from overseas, particularly if we have problems at ports and we can’t get ingredients through.
‘Because they’re all fresh and don’t have a very long shelf life. And we’ve got no chance of stockpiling fresh ingredients.
‘So I think the answer from the sandwich industry is that it’s going to limited the amount of choice consumers have if we crash out of Brexit in the way that’s being talked about’.