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Patrick Stewart says Brexit the ‘grimmest thing’ to happen in politics

Sir Patrick Stewart attending the Star Trek: Picard Premiere held at the Odeon Luxe Leicester Square in London. Photograph: David Parry/PA Wire. - Credit: PA

Sir Patrick Stewart has described Brexit as ‘the grimmest thing’ to have happened to him in his political life.

The actor, 79, best known for his roles in Star Trek and the X-Men films, has been a Remain campaigner and a supporter of a second Brexit referendum.

Speaking at the premiere of Star Trek: Picard in London, he said: “It makes me very, very sad. I think what is happening with the European Union is actually the saddest, grimmest thing that has happened to me since I have been involved in politics.”

Sir Patrick once said he planned to apply for US citizenship so he could vote against Donald Trump, but speaking on the red carpet, he told said that the election of Boris Johnson had prompted him to scrap this idea as his vote was now needed to rid the UK of Johnson.

He told the PA news agency: “I think we have our own Trump in our country here today, so I am going to be using my vote to try and get rid of him.”

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