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Nigel Farage lost for words when he bumps into anti-Brexit campaigner Steve Bray

Steve Bray bumps into Nigel Farage. Photograph: Steve Bray/Twitter. - Credit: Archant

Nigel Farage isn’t usually lost for words, but when he bumped into anti-Brexit campaigner Steve Bray he suddenly fell silent.

Steve Bray with anti-Brexit protesters in Westminster. Photograph: Dominic Lipinski/PA. – Credit: PA Wire/PA Images

Holding two signs making clear his opposition to Brexit, Bray starts to shout at Nigel Farage as he leaves a meeting.

“Nation before party!” he tells the Brexiteer, who looks less than pleased to bump into him.

As he is bundled into a car by minders, Bray points out: “You’re on a double yellow line, Mr Farage!”

“Nation before party!” he continues to shout as he holds up a sign next to his car saying ‘lead with facts, not leave with lies’.

“We’re never leaving!” the campaigner shouts as the car drives off.

It follows Bray’s recent brief encounters with Downing Street adviser Dominic Cummings and former prime minister David Cameron.

In an interview with Brexiteer Mark Francois he told Bray that Boris Johnson was his “nemesis” who is signing Bray’s “death warrant”.

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