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Nigel Farage hints he could quit the UK for the US after Brexit

Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage bites a pen during a session at the European Parliament. (AP Photo/Jean-Francois Badias) - Credit: AP

Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage has hinted that he could leave the UK for America in the future.

He complained that it was “not easy” to live a “normal life” in the UK but that it would be possible for him to do so in the United States.

It suggests he could abandon the country if it delivers Brexit, joining one of the many outspoken Brexiteers – like James Dyson and Jim Ratcliffe – that have left the UK since the EU referendum.

Speaking to the Sunday Express, Farage said: “The States, now that is the big game.

“Living here is not easy, living in the States is a lot more easy. In America you can live a normal life.”

In the same interview the Brexiteer also slammed Remainer MPs like Chuka Umunna for switching parties.

“How these guys have any legitimacy I do not know. Chuka Umunna changed once, changed again.”

The Brexit Party leader himself has previously switched between the Tories, UKIP and then eventually Brexit Party, having also backed the Green Party at one point in the 80s.

MORE: Nigel Farage falls victim to the perfect prank on his LBC show

Farage also insisted that Boris Johnson wants his support ahead of the next election, and dismissed quotes from Downing Street which suggested the Brexit Party leader was “not fit” to be anywhere near government.

He blamed “some little junior press officer who thinks he is in an episode of the West Wing.”

“Number 10 is full of them. I know he [Boris] doesn’t [think that]. I know he doesn’t.

“He would love to have my support because he knows what that means, but he’s not going in that direction”.

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