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Nadine Dorries accused of gas-lighting after claiming nobody suggested Covid-19 could be ‘over by Christmas’

Health minister Nadine Dorries. (Photo by Stefan Rousseau - WPA Pool /Getty Images) - Credit: Getty Images

Health minister Nadine Dorries appears to have attempted to rewrite history by claiming that it had been suggested Covid-19 could be over by Christmas.

Dorries took exception with journalist Steve Hawkes’ tweet which ridiculed the government for stating that the public were ‘too relaxed’ about the coronavirus.

He tweeted: ‘They were told to shop, take a summer holiday and that it would be over by Xmas’.

Responding to Hawkes, the minister said: ‘No one who knew anything about the pathology of #Covid19 ever said it would be over by Christmas.’

Her tweet prompted ridicule, after it was pointed out it was exactly the suggestion prime minister Boris Johnson had made.

In July he told a Number 10 press conference: ‘It is my strong and sincere hope that we will be able to review the outstanding restrictions and allow a more significant return to normality from November, at the earliest, possibly in time for Christmas.’

Social media users were quick to ridicule Dorries’ post, with some accusing her of ‘gas-lighting’ after Johnson’s remarks were highlighted.

‘It’s almost like they’re totally incompetent with fish like memory abilities,’ said one.

‘Didn’t think to google or just assumed nobody else would?’ asked another.

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‘The PM suggested it would be over by Christmas. I do also remember him saying in March that we can ‘send it packing in 12 weeks,’ wrote Adrian Berry. ‘So with your boss saying those things things, and you saying this, you seem to be confirming that he’s been talking bollocks all along. Excellent!’

‘Bit awkward when it was your boss who said it…’ responded Nathanael Kent.

‘Nadine did qualify her remark ………that excludes the PM. He knows little and lies about most,’ said @Robbmik.

‘And the Tory gaslighting continues’, wrote David-Mitchell Baker.

‘If your ‘boss’ (I am cringing as I type the word you use to call the PM, this is wrong on so many levels) had bothered to go to the Cobra meetings,’ replied Aurelien Thomas. ‘He would be aware of that and stop telling people otherwise.’

‘Probably should have restricted replies on this tweet,’ added Ashley Cowburn.

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