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MP reports ‘get ready for Brexit’ propaganda is appearing in schools

An electronic display showing a 'Get ready for Brexit' government advert in London. Photograph: Yui Mok/PA. - Credit: PA Wire/PA Images

An MP has warned the prime minister to keep his Brexit ‘propaganda’ away from schools.

Labour MP Stella Creasy said that parents in her constituency have raised concerns about the content of a presentation broadcast on digital noticeboards across the country.

She urged prime minister Boris Johnson to pledge to prevent this from happening, and asked him whether it was a decision he had made himself.

Speaking in the Commons, Creasy said: “Earlier today parents in Walthamstow contacted me extremely concerned about the content of a presentation about the prime minister’s proposals and Brexit that had been broadcast on what transpires to be 3,000 digital noticeboards of primary schools around this country without the prior consent of the schools.

MORE: Are the government’s Brexit ads a psychology trick on all of Britain?”Given the amount of money this Government is spending on Brexit adverts, can he at least reassure Walthamstow residents that in this instance it wasn’t his doing and give his personal pledge that our primary schools will remain Brexit propaganda-free zones?”Johnson said Creasy was “bringing me news” on the issue before outlining his general spending pledge for primary schools.

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