A Tory MP has been accused of not taking concerns about Brexit seriously after his letter response to a constituent still contained ‘add Bob’s comments here’ at the bottom of the reply.
Robert Seely, the Tory MP for the Isle of Wight, is said to have made the gaffe in a response to Twitter user @DiamondHell who was expressing concerns about the lack of transparency over the Brexit Impact Papers.
To make matters worse, the original response is said to have gone missing in the post, meaning the MP had two opportunities to notice the glaring mistake in the letter.
The error came to light after the user tweeted a photograph of the MP’s letter with the caption: ‘This is how seriously my MP takes the Brexit impact analysis.’
Earlier this month the government announced there would be a delay in the publication of the secret papers on the economic impact of Brexit.
Brexit minister Steve Baker told the Commons: ‘It will take the government some time to collate and bring together this information in a way that is accessible and informative to the committee.’