English-Australian actress Miriam Margolyes has turned the air blue on Australian breakfast television in anti-Brexit rant.
The Harry Potter star was asked for her opinion on Brexit on ABC’s News Breakfast show, and she did not mince her words.
She said: ‘I’m not allowed to say the words that spring to mind, because it is early in the morning, and people are tender in the morning… but I think it’s a load of…’
The host interjects: ‘You can say bollocks’ to which the actress agreed.
She said: ‘Yes it’s bollocks!’
‘It’s wrong and it’s based on ignorance, people were lied to, people didn’t tell the truth, particularly Boris Johnson. It is a disaster for England.’
Asked how it will end, Margolyes said that she expected the Brexit situation to rumble on for years to come.
She said: ‘I don’t think it’s going to end. I think it’s going to go on for years. We are wasting our resources and our time, and our focus, it’s absolute nonsense. It’s piffle.
‘David Cameron – who was our prime minister – he should be boiled in oil. It was just a waste.’
Twitter users responded to Breakfast News’ social media post in praise of the rant.