Why not subscribe to the award-winning New European? After all, it is the only really good thing to come from Brexit.
Firstly, thanks so much for reading this newspaper!
Whether you are one of our subscribers, or a first-time buyer, your support each week is essential to the continued success of The New European, and everything we stand for.
2017 was an extraordinary year in so many bad ways, that it feels small solace to talk about the fact that one of the few positives to come from Brexit – the newspaper you are reading now – is still here, and still growing.
Our average weekly circulation these days stands at around 23,000, and our subscriber base is on target to reach 8,000 in January. For a newspaper that started in the summer of 2016 as a four-week ‘pop-up’ experiment, that’s a fabulous story.
The paper has evolved a lot in the past 18 months. Although we are, of course, still dedicated to fighting Brexit, and have a brilliant roster of talent dedicated to chronicling and analysing each twist and turn, we have broadened our remit to include other topics of interest – not least the equally extraordinary goings-on in the United States.
We’ve also continued to shape our eclectic cultural pages in our Eurofile section.
These really are the most gloriously random selection of features in the UK press, and we try hard each week to resist the ‘hook’ of an anniversary or news event (although we couldn’t resist this week’s Johnny Hallyday tribute) – preferring instead to concentrate on whatever happens to interest us from week to week.
I want Eurofile to be the part of the newspaper that you decide to fold away and keep by the bedside for extra reading throughout the week, when time permits. And given the weight of positive feedback we get from readers, I think it’s succeeding.
I would say that, wouldn’t I? But my industry peers agree with me.
The New European has won numerous awards in the past 18 months, including the unprecedented double of the prestigious Chairman’s Awards in both the magazine industry Oscars – the PPA Awards – AND the newspaper industry Oscars – the Society of Editors Awards.
And at the British Media Awards we collected an unbeaten haul of four trophies, including Launch Of The Year and Media Pioneer of the Year for the Editor (modesty prevents me from naming the recipient).
Our reach continues to grow digitally, too, with our website theneweuropean.co.uk, and our followings across both Facebook and Twitter. And there’s our excellent weekly podcast.
Next week we will publish our Bumper Festive Edition, priced at £3 (subscribers pay no more than usual). It’s an 80-page extravaganza of analysis, features and wit – enough to keep you entertained throughout the holiday season. It will also make a great stocking-filler for the Remainer in your life… or even the hardcore Brexiteer, if you are feeling particularly mischievous.
The team will then take a week off and we resume publishing (into our THIRD calendar year!) on January 4.
So far so good. But now for some unwelcome news.
From January, we will be increasing the cover price of The New European from £2 to £2.50, to help ensure the newspaper’s sustainability.
We recognise nobody likes paying more for something but we hope you will agree that we represent terrific value and will continue to do so at £2.50.
There is a way to beat the price rise. Subscribe and lock in the great 2017 discount – 13 weeks for £13. You will also receive 12 free Christmas cards. If you already subscribe, why not consider giving a subscription to The New European as a Christmas gift? A present to last the entire year… and bring a little hope and humour to the dark days ahead!
Thanks again for your continued support.
PS: Email me directly at matt.kelly@archant.co.uk with any feedback on how we are doing, good or bad.