The New European’s social media pages are alive with debate after the launch of Renew – a new anti-Brexit party which aims to take on the main political parties at the ballot box.
Renew, inspired by the rise of Macron’s En Marche! movement in France, hopes to appeal to those who feel ‘politically homeless and abandoned’ by the mainstream parties following the Brexit vote.
A majority of readers commenting on The New European’s Facebook page were broadly supportive of the new movement, with some instantly signing up following Renew’s launch.
Lyn Cooper said: ‘I think it’s time to cancel my Lib Dems membership and join this one.’
Christopher McKenna commented: ‘Where do I sign up to join them? I’m ready for Action!!’
Angela Coles said she could be tempted ‘if they can provide a sensible, socially equitable, manifesto as well as exiting brexit’. She added: ‘I like Labour’s policies in the main but find Corbyn’s stance on Brexit unacceptable.’
Carmel O’Dell added that ‘the choice is so limited at the moment with Tory and Labour both pro-Brexit, anything that challenges that monopoly is good’.
However, while there was clear support for a new grassroots campaign, there was mixed feelings from Lib Dem voters about how it might impact the existing pro-Remain party.
Lizette Van Niekerk wished them ‘good luck’ but says ‘thousands of Lib Dems are already doing what they intend to and much more day after day’.
Mark Withers added: ‘We have an amazing Lib Dem MP and any stolen votes from her would let the Tories in.’
But Stephanie Lacoste replied that she was less convinced by Sir Vince’s party, who said they were still ‘tainted’ by coalition. ‘The problem with the Lib Dems is their participation to Cameron’s government.’
There was also concern that a new party under the existing First Past the Post system would split the vote – making a Conservative ‘hard’ Brexit more likely.
Deborah Griffith said: ‘These guys are just jumping on the bandwagon and risk splitting the Centrist vote.’
Ian Morton claimed: ‘The Tories will be laughing all the way to a majority.’
Graeme Card recommended the best way forward for Renew would be a joint effort at the polls with Pro-Remain parties. He suggested ‘they coordinate with the Greens and Lib Dems’.
Arthur Shackle added: ‘If Labour backed remain there would be a landslide victory’.
• Are you supportive of the new anti-Brexit party? How would you vote if there was an election tomorrow? Join the conversation on our new Facebook group for The New European readers.
MORE: New anti-Brexit party ‘like Remain’s more military arm’
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