For once it’s the Liberal Democrats taking their Brexit rhetoric from the Second World War, with poster pastiches of the ‘careless talk costs lives’ images.
With prospects of an election looming closer, the Lib Dem version warns that “Careless votes cost lives” and depicts Jeremy Corbyn and Boris Johnson conspiring to “get Brexit over the line”.
The original poster was part of a propaganda campaign by the British government which discouraged talking about sensitive material where spies could overhear it.
The Lib Dem poster replaces two gossiping diners in one of the original designs with Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn, both of whom the Lib Dems claim have worked together to deliver Brexit.
The Lib Dem leader Jo Swinson was recently incensed that Labour MPs did not support her party’s recent efforts to organise a People’s Vote on Brexit.
READ: Lib Dems blame Labour for bid to force a People’s Vote failing
The pro-European party is putting its poster across billboards, newspapers and roaming digital ad-vans, with the warning that ‘careless votes’ for Labour, as well as the Conservatives, are helping deliver Brexit.
Former Labour MP Angela Smith, who left the party to join the Lib Dems, said: “Labour have voted with the Tories more than 30 times to deliver Brexit. They do not want to stop Brexit, so do not waste your vote on them.
“Only the Liberal Democrats have been crystal clear on Brexit. We will do anything we can to stop Brexit including revoking Article 50 on day one of a Lib Dem majority government.”
Last week, the Lib Dems gatecrashed Jeremy Corbyn’s rally in Liverpool with a van circling the venue with an electronic billboard carrying the slogan: “You can’t stop Tory Brexit with Labour Brexit. Only Lib Dems will stop Brexit.”