Clacton’s ruthlessly pro-Brexit Boomers are an inspiration. Brexit is expected to cause a long-term loss of some 10% of GDP, or around £200bn per year.
Government revenues are around 35% of GDP, so a 10% drop means £70bn less for public spending.
But state pensions cost £90bn a year, and 65% of voters over 65 voted Leave.
The obvious solution is to cut pensions by 65% or £58bn, and let the generation that mostly voted for Brexit pay for most of it.
This is a controversial idea, so we should hold a referendum to ensure we know the will of the people. As in the EU referendum, we must ignore the interests of those who will be most affected, so pensioners will not be allowed to vote.
Of course many old people will lose out, but they will be reassured by empty promises from wealthy politicians, and they can starve happy in the knowledge that it is a price worth paying for Brexit.
Never mind cake, let them eat sovereignty.
Chris Webster, Abergavenny
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