Nigel Farage’s argument that all Brexiteers want politicians to get on with Brexit was shot down in flames as a Leave voter called up his radio show to tell him he wants a second referendum.
The chipper Brexit Party leader introduced LBC caller Adam from Newport, who asked Farage how he was doing.
“OK… ish” came the response from Farage, as Adam suggested that was his mindset too.
Adam started to explain why he was a originally Brexiteer.
“So in the seventies, lies and betrayal, which meant we joined the European Union.
“And then in 2016 absolute truth all round,” explained the caller as Nigel Farage started to look uncomfortable.
“Swing voters like myself quite happily thought, yeah I can see £350 million being better for the NHS.
“Yes I pretty much think Turkey joining the EU might not be a good idea.
“Yeah this is going to be better for my children, so yep I’m out.”
Turning back to the presenter, he said: “Yeah, that was all true, wasn’t it Nigel?”
Farage defended himself claiming “that was all true at the time” and that “circumstances change.”
Circumstances certainly change very quickly – the £350 million for the NHS was dismissed by Nigel Farage just hours after the result.
“Circumstances change? More evidence comes to light?” enquired caller Adam.
“Well of course it does Adam!” responded the presenter, as Adam started to make his case for a second referendum.
“As a swing voter am I not allowed my democratic right to review all the evidence in front of us now, look at all the options of the options on the table, and actually say with all of the truth and all of the deceit that has come out of the Leave campaign, not necessarily from yours, but from others, that actually the best thing we can do is stay in the European Union.
“We had a vote on this last week, didn’t we?” said the Brexiteer, as the caller dismissed yet another dodgy claim.
Adam continued: “Adamant leavers will still adamantly vote Leave, adamant remainers will adamantly vote Remain, but there are people like me that sit in the middle that want to make an informed decision. Now I believe I did last time and I was lied to. Now I am owed my democratic right to change my mind.”
Unfazed by the suggestion the Brexiteers had lied, Farage said that he would give people a second referendum after the first result had been implemented.
“You can’t implement something which has fragmented the country, to such a degree that nobody knows left from right, up or down anymore.
“We are currently talking about the possible leader of this country being up on criminal charges for evidence he produced to help me make my decision.”
Farage ended the call saying he would not discuss the criminal case, but insisted every politician would be in court for lying if they were held to account on their manifestos.