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Laurence Fox slammed for claiming ‘woke people’ are the racists

Actor Laurence Fox speaks to Julia Hartley-Brewer. Photograph: TalkRadio. - Credit: Archant

Laurence Fox is continuing to dig a hole for himself after a disastrous performance on BBC Question Time.

Speaking to talkRADIO’s Julia Hartley-Brewer the actor said “wokeists” were the actual racists, and defended his appearance on television last week.

He also criticised those who complain about racism, adding that in the past he has got it “in the neck” for being a “posh boy actor” who is part of a famous acting dynasty, which includes his father James.

Fox said: “The wokeists, I think, are fundamentally a racist bunch.

“They see colour everywhere.

“Identity politics is extremely racist as well.”

He added that you “can’t be a wokeist without blaming everybody for being racist”.

Fox said that he was fine with people “taking a pop” at him over his views, but added that he stops listening when the criticism spills over into vitriol.

“I just lose interest when someone says ‘I want to unload both barrels of a shotgun in your face’,” he said.

During his Question Time appearance Fox had argued with audience members over whether the media’s treatment of Meghan amounted to racism, saying: “It’s not racism… we’re the most tolerant, lovely country in Europe.

“It’s so easy to throw the charge of racism and it’s really starting to get boring now.”

One woman in the studio criticised Fox for his statements, saying: “What worries me about your comments is you are a white, privileged male who has no experience in this.”

The former Lewis star also hit out at black and working class actors for complaining about the industry once they have “five million quid in the bank”.

He told The Delingpod Podcast: “The most annoying thing is, the minute a black actor – it’s the same with working class actors – the minute they’ve got five million quid in the bank, every interview they do is about how racism is rampant and rife in the industry.

“And with working class actors, ‘There’s not enough working class actors’.

“You weren’t saying that when you didn’t have a f****** pot to piss in were you?

“You weren’t standing up for the working class actors until you’re now no longer materially working class.”

Richard Hassall tweeted: “Apparently racists are tired of being called racist. Which seems as good a reason as any to carry on calling them what they are…”

“This guy is dangerous,” said Areeq Chowdhury. “Keep him off the airwaves please.”

Another wrote: “Two white privileged quasi celebrities discuss how hard done by they are for being white and privileged.”

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