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Poll finds Labour Remainers back revoking Article 50 – but won’t support Lib Dems

Credit: PA Wire/PA Images

A new survey exploring Jeremy Corbyn’s neutral stance on a second referendum has shown his party’s Remain-voting supporters prefer the Liberal Democrat policy of revoking Article 50, but won’t back Jo Swinson’s party at the election.

Seeking to understand what both Leave and Remain voting supporters of Labour made of Corbyn’s neutral stance on a second referendum campaign, YouGov found 70% of the party’s Remain supporters thought revoking Article 50 and remaining in the EU would be “a good outcome” after the general election.

Conversely, 48% of the party’s supporters who voted to Leave the EU said the party’s current Brexit policy would be “a bad outcome”, despite still giving the party their support.

36% of Labour’s Leave-voting supporters said they would accept the party’s current policy or believed it a good outcome.

The new YouGov data suggests Corbyn’s neutral stance on a second referendum is doing little to appeal to Leave-voting Labour voters, and that the group are more favourable towards leaving with Johnson’s deal or with No Deal.

It suggests that for Labour-supporting Leavers, Brexit may not be the most pressing issue in this election, as they are unlikely to back a pro-Brexit party.

READ MORE: Polling mastermind John Curtice says ‘underestimated’ Remain vote will decide electionREAD MORE: YouGov polling expert has hopeful prediction for those who want to stop ToriesWhile 70% of Labour Remainers actually back the Lib Dem policy of revoking Article 50, 63% still believe Corbyn’s policy would be a good outcome. However, a balanced proportion of voters think both options would be at least acceptable (81% for Corbyn’s policy, 80% for revoking Article 50).

The data also suggested the number of people who think Labour are clear on their Brexit policy has nearly doubled since the start of September, from 13% to 24%.

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