Spoof TV news reporter Jonathan Pie has urged viewers to vote tactically in a video attack on Boris Johnson that could strip paint.
After recording a conventional news report outside Westminster, the camera keeps rolling and Pie launches into a direct-to-camera tirade against Johnson’s record in government.
Having reported to news viewers with a straight face that Johnson has been distancing himself from the austerity measures of the last election, the satirical character lets rip with his real views.
“That is the most laughable thing I’ve heard all election,” says Pie. “Boris attempting to suggest the state of the nation has got nothing to do with me. Bullshit!
“Boris was there every step of the fucking way.”
He goes on to point out Johnson’s enthusiastic role in every aspect of austerity before noting, in typically furious style, that it was Johnson “was the one who sold us this fucking Brexit shitshow”.
By midway through, he’s dismissed Johnson a middle finger and a “fuck you, Boris”, and it appears he is only just warming up.
“You are a microwave-meal prime minister, who has been oven-ready for high office ever since you were burning £50 notes in front of tramps in your Bullingdon Club days in Oxford,” he continues.
After describing the state of the country under austerity, he said: “The Tories did this. So if you hate this, you have to vote for whoever is most likely to beat your local Tory candidate. And vote for them, no matter who they fucking are. Hold your nose and just imagine Boris just outside No.10 next Friday morning, looking like a startled pig in a haybale, saying the words ‘I’m about to go to the palace and offer my resignation’. Just picture that as you enter the voting booth.
“Get these Tory fuckers out of government.”
Pie, who is played by Tom Walker, first went viral in 2015 and has since given his inimitable take on politics on viral videos and in a stage show.
The character of Pie is reliably leftwing but can be an equal-opportunity attacker on pretty much anything that he considers hypocritical.
However, given the laser-sharp targeting of this video it’s no surprise that clips have already been shared widely shared on anti-Brexit and leftwing social media.