JO SWINSON guides you through seven steps you can take to help fight Brexit.
It’s easy to wax lyrical about everything that is going wrong with Brexit. The Conservatives are stumbling their way through the negotiations and the Labour leadership is standing idly by.
In the meantime, the rest of us are left to ponder doomsday scenarios where we run out of food, medicine and petrol.
With less than a year to go until we leave the European Union next March, it is now up to all of us to take concrete action to stop Brexit.
So, if like me you’ve had enough of feeling exasperated, here are seven simple ideas for what you can do.
1 March on June 23 for a People’s Vote.
Brexit started with a public vote. It is only fair that it should end with one too. Every day we find out more about what Brexit is going to cost, everything that we stand to lose and all the promises that are being broken.
We must have a final say on the Brexit deal, including the option to remain in the EU. So join thousands of others for the People’s Vote march on the two-year anniversary of the referendum. It will start at 12pm from Pall Mall. Coaches are being organised for those outside of London, so look out for information about those.
2 Sign the People’s Vote petition.
If you’re busy on June 23, then sign the petition on the People’s Vote campaign website.
We need as many of you as possible to let Theresa May know that we will not blindly follow her down a path to a toxic and damaging Brexit.
3 Write to your MP.
If you are worried about Brexit and how it will affect you, your family and your local community, tell your MP. Go to parliament.uk to find out who they are, get their contact details and write to them.
Most also use social media, so if 280 characters is the most you can do, then tweet away. Use personal stories to get their attention.
4 Better yet, go see your MP.
Most MPs run surgeries at weekends in their constituency. Some ask you to book appointments, others are happy for you to just show up.
Go along and tell them in person what worries you about Brexit.
Challenge them on what they’re doing about it – it’ll be a lot harder for them to brush you off in person.
5 If you live in Lewisham East, vote for Lucy Salek on June 14.
Lucy is the Liberal Democrat candidate in the Lewisham East parliamentary by-election.
She grew up in the area, understands the local issues and will be ready to fight hard against Brexit if elected.
The Labour leadership is constantly letting its members down on Brexit. Don’t let them win this one.
6 Cash is still king.
If you haven’t got time to write to or see your MP, join a party or march, but have some spare change, then donate!
7 Join the Liberal Democrats.
We are the only party fighting for the UK to stay in the EU.
The Tories are making a mess of Brexit, and the Labour leadership are aiding and abetting them. If you want an exit from Brexit, then the Lib Dems are the party for you.
Time is running out.
With less than a year to go till we crash out of the EU, we need every single one of us to do what we can to secure a final say on the Brexit deal, and vote to stop Brexit.
Jo Swinson is MP for East Dunbartonshire and deputy leader of the Liberal Democrats