Jeremy Corbyn does not appear to agree with this week’s New European front page.
Presented with a copy during an interview with this paper he brushed it aside saying: ‘Labour is the party that looks after everybody, we will invest in young people for the future.’
The front page suggests time is running out for Corbyn due to his party’s muddled message on Brexit.
The Labour leader said: ‘We accept the result of the referendum – we are leaving the EU. But we want to make sure there is tariff-free trade access to Europe, we can’t be members of the single market because we won’t be members of the EU. We want exactly the same conditions as now during the transition.’
Pressed on whether their should be a further referendum once the public know what the terms of the deal are he said: ‘I think we have achieved forcing the government to accept that parliament will have a say – a meaningful vote.
‘I don’t know what will come out of these negotiations but our position is that people voted to come out of the EU but not to leave their jobs. So we are not going to go the route some Tories want to of deregulation and lower wages and a Donald Trump-style economy.’
Asked if it Labour’s stance amounted to a soft Brexit he replied: ‘It is a Brexit that is meaningful in maintaining and extending our manufacturing economy.’
• A full version of the interview will appear on this week’s New European podcast available on Friday.