A radio presenter was left shocked after a caller to his programme said she has four holidays lined up – and will be ignoring any government rules on quarantine when she returns.
James O’Brien said he would have to resort to calling the police if she continues to flout the rules and regulations that require the public to self-isolate after travelling to certain countries.
Caller Jennifer had told the programme: ‘In September I’ve got Spain booked. In October I’ve got Morocco booked, in November I’ve got another Spain booked, and in December for Christmas I have got a cruise.
‘To be honest, my husband has even booked Greenland for 2022,’ she added.
O’Brien joked that she is ‘single-handedly revivifying the UK economy just with your holiday choices’, before asking if she will quarantine if it’s still in place.
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‘No,’ she said abruptly, prompting O’Brien to quickly say he would need to ‘inform the police’.
With his head in his hands, he asked: ‘What do you think the quarantine is for? Just in your own words why do you think it is there?’
As the caller stuttered, he continued: ‘I’m going to insist you answer the question’.
‘I know it’s to protect people,’ she explained before acknowledging it was ‘from Covid-19.’
Asked how many people had died as a result of the coronavirus, she moved on to a conspiracy theory. ‘You know the deaths from Covid-19? Two cancers and one heart condition, and on the death certificate it said ‘Covid related’. That is just three people I know who’d lost somebody in this period. They didn’t have Covid, they didn’t even get tested.’
‘That’s simply not possible,’ explained the presenter.
‘Look into that!’ said the listener. ‘You’re good at looking into things’.
‘I’m looking at you at the moment,’ said the presenter. ‘So you think that you don’t need to quarantine because the risk has been exaggerated, and the death toll around the world.’
‘This isn’t funny any more, this is really irresponsible, please take more care of yourself and your husband. Even if you don’t care about anyone else, others care about you. The rules are there for a reason, the quarantine is there for a reason. We are having a conversation who may fray around the edges.’
O’Brien pointed out the caller is retired so does not have the same problems quaranting as those who are in work.
‘Please, this isn’t funny, this isn’t like another radio phone-in topic where someone comes on quite contrary and we have a bit of a laugh and a ding-dong and then we agree to disagree. It’s just really stupid, Jennifer and profoundly dangerous, please have a bit of a rethink.’
Listeners to the LBC programme were equally shocked by her comments.
‘Why do people think this kind of selfishness is acceptable?’ asked Glyn Moody. ‘Has Brexit turned their brains to mush?’
‘I’m SO fed up of hearing about people who just don’t think they should do what it best for others,’ wrote Peter Paredes. ‘Have we become such a selfish nation now?’
‘Is this that good old fashioned British Common Sense that the government said would help us all stay safe?’ questioned Patrick Ball.
‘I’m 100% confident that she voted Tory and for Brexit,’ suggested @DrPhilipJSmith. ‘SSame people spouting the same ideologies based on zero facts or valid reasons’.