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95-year-old man told to prove he is a resident in the UK for post-Brexit Settled Status

Pro-EU campaigners outside the Houses of Parliament ahead of Brexit day. Photograph: Dominic Lipinski/PA. - Credit: PA Wire/PA Images

A 95-year-old Italian man has been asked to prove that he is a long-term resident in the country to be considered for post-Brexit Settled Status.

Antonio Finelli came to the country in 1952 following an appeal for immigrant labour to help with the rebuild of the country following the end of the Second World War.

He has lived in the UK ever since – living in the country for 68 years and receiving a state pension for the past 32 years.

Despite this, the Home Office is asking him to prove his status in the country, and wants proof he has spent five consecutive years here.

His wife and only son both passed away, and he is now fearful for the status of his grandchildren.

The 95-year-old is now having to supply 80 pages of bank statements to prove his right to stay.

Speaking to the Guardian he said the process was “wrong”.

“It was a surprise because I have had the aliens’ certificate,” he explained, referring to documentation immigrants were given between 1918 and 1957 in the UK.

“I’ve been receiving the pension and working all my life so I don’t understand why I have to provide these bank statements,” he said.

Last week a 101-year-old Italian man was asked to provide information from his parents to assist with his application for Settled Status.

The Home Office denied there was a problem with the system and suggested any issues were easily rectified.

“Automated checks mean that the vast majority of applicants don’t have to provide additional evidence, but when it’s needed there is a vast range of evidence people can submit, including doctor’s notes, payslips and letters from charities,” it said.

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